Having previously dropped collaborative material on high-profile labels such as Rebellion and Hurry Up Slowly, Toronto-based artists Mili and Hoomance join forces on Bedouin’s Human By Default label for the first time, bringing influences from their Iranian and Canadian roots to their deep, organic sonics in the form of their latest single, ‘Morena’. We caught up with the pair to discuss their latest release, cultural influences and more!

 Hey Mili & Hoomance, welcome to Music Is 4 Lovers! How are things with both of you?

Thanks for having us! We’re doing great, staying busy with new projects and enjoying the creative process. It’s an exciting time for us.

Huge congratulations on your latest single ‘Morena’ on Human By Default. What inspired it, and what were the creative processes behind it?

Thank you! ‘Morena’ was inspired by the classic Dominican song ‘Morena Ven.’ We loved its melody and rhythm when we first heard it and thought, “This would sound amazing as a club track!” So, we decided to give it a fresh twist. We mixed the traditional elements with modern afro techy drums and sounds, and it came together really well. It was a fun process, and we’re really happy with how it turned out.

The two of you have previously dropped collaborative material on high-profile labels such as Rebellion and Hurry Up Slowly. How did you first meet and decide to collaborate together?

We’ve been great friends for almost ten years and always wanted to work together, but it just didn’t happen until one day, we finally got the chance to go to the studio. That’s when our song “Bella” was born. We felt an amazing musical connection and decided to keep collaborating. That journey has led us to our latest track, “Morena.”

You’ve both previously mentioned that you bring influences from your cultural heritage to your productions. How do these influences manifest?

Our cultural heritage definitely plays a significant role in our music. We draw a lot of inspiration from the traditional instruments, rhythms, and melodies unique to our backgrounds. For example, you might hear elements of Latin percussion, African beats, or Middle Eastern melodies in our tracks. We love blending these traditional sounds with modern electronic music to create something that feels both familiar and fresh. It’s important to us to honour our roots while also pushing the boundaries of what dance music can be. This mix not only makes our music unique but also allows us to share a piece of our heritage with listeners around the world.

When you’re not in the studio or touring, how do you both like to unwind?

Well, we live in Toronto, Canada, so it’s super cold most of the year, and we spend a lot of our time in the studio. But when we’re not in Canada, we love spending time by the beach. It’s important for us to recharge and find inspiration outside the studio. Relaxing by the water helps us reset and come back with fresh ideas.

Can you share a memorable gig or performance experience that has had a significant impact on you as a DJ?

Mili: One of my most memorable experiences was being the direct support for Black Coffee in Toronto, performing in front of over 5,000 people. The energy from the crowd and the incredible production made it an unforgettable night.

Hoomance: For me, it was performing at Pacha Ibiza as the direct support for Bedouin. The atmosphere was electric, and being part of such an iconic venue was truly inspiring. The crowd’s response and the overall vibe of the night reminded me why I love what I do and motivated me to keep pushing my boundaries.

Finally, what plans do you have for the summerSummer?

This Summer, we’re excited to be touring across Europe and Asia, playing at some amazing festivals and clubs. We’re also working on new music and collaborations that we can’t wait to share with everyone. It’s going to be a busy but thrilling summer!

Mili: InstagramSoundcloudFacebookSpotify
Hoomance: InstagramSoundcloudFacebookSpotify

